Katie Coupe Cranleigh FCPlayer Profile: Katie Coupe

Team: Women’s Team

Position: Striker

Number: 10

Team SponsorsCreate-I-LtdHeartwork CoffeeInformed ChoiceBear Content, The Beautiful.

How long have you been with Cranleigh FC, and what brought you to the club?

I‘ve been with Cranleigh FC since the very first training session in 2021. My family has a deep connection to the club—my grandad played for Cranleigh in the 1960s. Continuing that legacy and representing the family name in this generation felt like a natural step.

What do you love most about representing Cranleigh FC?

What I love most is that Cranleigh FC isn’t just a club—it’s part of my family’s history. Knowing that my grandad was on the pitch all those years ago, and now I have the chance to carry on the name, fills me with pride every time I play.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given in football?

“The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning” – Pele. This has always resonated with me, reminding me that hard-fought victories are the ones that mean the most.

Which famous footballer do you admire and why?

I admire my grandad, Roger Coupe. He played professional football for England and Portsmouth when he was only 20 years old, which is a remarkable achievement. His commitment and passion for the game continue to inspire me.

What advice would you give to younger players on becoming better footballers?

Don’t get caught up comparing yourself to others. Focus on your own strengths and work on improving your weaknesses. Football is a personal journey, and your growth comes from within.