Little Hearts Pre-school in Cranleigh is not only focused on nurturing young minds but also on building strong community ties.

Cranleigh FC is always on the lookout for ways to connect with the community and form new partnerships that make a real difference for the people of the village. One of our recent collaborations is with Little Hearts Pre-school in Cranleigh, run by Natasha.

Recently, Little Hearts kindly began sharing its facilities with Cranleigh FC so that the club could run the Snox Snax tea bar on Saturday mornings, serving bacon rolls and hot drinks. It’s a partnership that aligns with our values, as it plays a vital role in nurturing the youngest members of our community.

We spoke to Manager and Owner Natasha to learn more about her connection to Cranleigh, her philosophy on early childhood education, and the shared values between her pre-school and the football club.

Q: What is your connection to Cranleigh?

Natasha: I moved to Cranleigh in 2017 to take a job here. Originally, I’m from London, and when my family and I drove to Cranleigh for my interview, we instantly fell in love with the village.

London just wasn’t for us anymore, especially with a three-year-old. So, whichever way the interview went, we were already set on making Cranleigh our home. It was like destiny; we hadn’t even heard of Cranleigh before, but the moment we arrived, we knew it was the right place for us.

Q: What makes Little Hearts unique, and how do you create a nurturing environment for happy children?

Natasha: I’ve been in childcare since I left school at 16, and I’ve had the privilege of working in many different settings, from daycares to pre-schools. That experience really fuelled my passion to open a preschool that I felt truly met the needs of children. We have our own bespoke curriculum which we developed covering cooking, gardening, mental wellbeing, art & drama, STEM and outdoor learning. We go beyond the standard EYFS.

At Little Hearts, we believe children deserve a safe, nurturing space where they are all celebrated as their own little individual person. They’re not mini-adults or schoolchildren yet, they’re toddlers and pre-schoolers, and they need care and love appropriate to their age. I often found that many settings are too focused on rushing children to the next developmental step, with the focus on getting them to read or write, or sit for structured learning (before the time is right cognitively or physically) and the value of learning through play, and nurturing gets put on the back burner

Here at Little Hearts, we have so much green space and nature, which allows us to create an environment where children can truly thrive. We place a lot of focus on the importance of learning through play, love, and development at their own pace and embracing the magic of childhood

Q: Little Hearts is influenced by the Steiner ethos. Can you explain what this is and how it benefits children’s development?

Natasha: The Steiner ethos aligns with my own values. It’s all about nurturing awe and wonder in children, being in rhythm with them, and establishing routines that encourage learning in a natural way. Steiner emphasises delaying formal academics, which I fully agree with for young children.

His approach encourages children to be out in nature, to see patterns, and to bring that into the classroom, slowing down and being present with them where they are. We only recently started to fully embrace this ethos at Little Hearts, but it feels right, especially in today’s world where children’s mental health is such a growing concern.

Little Hearts
Exploring nature is a key pillar at Little Hearts | Photo supplied

Q: What do you enjoy most about running Little Hearts, and how do you stay connected to the Cranleigh community?

Natasha: The closeness we have with our parents is something I truly love. We work hard to build strong partnerships with them; they’re involved in the children’s learning journey from the moment they walk through the door. Our parents come into the building to drop off and pick up their children, and we create a real sense of belonging.

We also take the children out into the village as much as possible — on walks, for example — and they get to see Cranleigh in a new light. Simple things like litter picking, our annual Easter Egg hunt in the memorial garden or a fun activity we call “High Street Bingo” help them connect to their community. We highlight the wonderful things that make Cranleigh special, which is something that can get missed when we’re always in a rush.

Building on a sense of community is on our priority list for this year and onwards.

Q: What’s the best way for parents to inquire about placements?

Natasha: The website is a great place to start. It has all our contact details, and there are forms parents can fill out. We also welcome phone calls, and while we can’t accept drop-ins without notice, parents are welcome to pop by and book an appointment with us. We’re going to be open year-round starting next September, so there’s more information on that as well.

Q: You’ve kindly agreed to let Cranleigh FC use your facilities on Saturday mornings for the Snox Snax tea bar. Do you feel there’s a synergy between Little Hearts and the football club?

Natasha: Definitely. Ever since we moved into this space, I’ve wanted to build stronger ties with the community, and Cranleigh FC is a great fit. Football has been a big part of my life, as my husband is passionate about it and has been involved from a young age, from playing semi-pro to coaching himself, so I’ve seen firsthand the sense of community it builds and how it can provide a real sense of belonging, often being a saving grace for children and families.

I think the younger children are when they get into sports, the better. I also recognise how important coaches are in a child’s life, it’s a role that’s different from a teacher’s, but just as crucial. So, any way we can help Cranleigh FC, we’re keen to do so. It’s all about supporting the community and building those connections.

For more information on Little Hearts Pre-school, visit the Little Hearts website here.

This partnership between Little Hearts Preschool and Cranleigh FC is a perfect example of the local synergy that makes Cranleigh a wonderful place to live and grow. If you’re interested in learning more about Little Hearts or volunteering with Cranleigh FC, feel free to reach out to either organisation.